package Project; import; import java.util.Comparator; /* It contains the fields nrOrder and totalPrice. Besides these, it contains an object of type Product and another one of type Customer, representing the client * and the product that was bought. * Thie class also implements the Serializable and Comparable interfaces. */ public class Order implements Comparable, Comparator<Order>, Serializable { private int nrOrder = 0; private Customer client = null; private Product prod = null; private int totalPrice = 0; public Order(int i, int j, Customer c, Product p) { nrOrder = i; client = c; prod = p; totalPrice = j; } public Customer getClient() { return client; } public Product getProduct() { return prod; } public int getNrOrder() { return nrOrder; } public int compareTo(Object o) { Order x = (Order) o; int nr = x.getNrOrder(); if (this.nrOrder > nr) return 1; else if (this.nrOrder == nr) return 0; else return -1; } public int getCost() { return totalPrice; } public String toString() { String ret = ""; ret = nrOrder + ""; return ret; } @Override public int compare(Order a1, Order a2) { int aa1 = a1.getNrOrder(); int aa2 = a2.getNrOrder(); if (aa1 == aa2) return 0; else { if (aa1 > aa2) return 1; else return -1; } } }